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News and Information from Townsend Energy & Insurance

Tips when preparing for the frigid cold

Posted by Townsend Energy & Insurance on Dec 28, 2017 11:09:54 AM

Frigid temperatures are already making their way through our region. Below are some some tips to prepare for the cold and reduce the likelihood of damaging situations from occurring.

1. Don’t turn your thermostat down when you leave.

With plummeting temperatures, your heating system will work harder to catch up. And if you happen to lose heat, your home will stay warmer longer giving you a chance to catch damage, such as frozen pipes, before it occurs.

2. If you are going away, have someone check your home.

Have a neighbor or friend swing by to make sure the heat is still running. Leave our emergency number (MA: 800.888.2888; NH: 800.722.4101) with them should anything stop functioning normally. There are also a variety of home video surveillance cameras available that will allow you to have peace while you are away. Call us for more information.

3. Clear the snow and wintery elements away from your fuel fill pipe and/or your propane tank.

Leaving snow around your equipment can lead to freezing and cracking.

4. Remove snow and ice buildup from your roof and deck.

Snow and ice buildup can lead to safety hazards (such as icicles), excessive weight, and water damage on your roof, deck, and other areas prone to snow accumulation. Of course, be safe when clearing snow from elevated areas!

5. Fill your gas tank and keep a spare change of clothes and a blanket in your car.

We hope no one has the need for this one, but it’s good to be prepared.

6. Check on your elderly neighbors.

Taking a few minutes to make a phone call, checking in, or knocking on your neighbor's door can save a life.  Make sure their home is warm and they are safe.

7. And remember that if it's too cold for us outside, it's probably too cold for our pets.

Take shorter, more frequent walks. And bring them inside to enjoy a special treat or bone. Even for dogs who love the colder weather, like Guinness Townsend (pictured below), they should not be outside for long durations.

Following these easy steps will not only keep you and your family warm and comfortable, but will also help to avoid unnecessary claims to your home or car insurance, often resulting in increases in your premiums. As always, don’t hesitate to call us if you need anything or have any questions.

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Topics: Cold Weather, Winter, Safety

Townsend Energy & Insurance. The choice of the responsible home and business owner for insurance needs, BioPure, propane, heating and air conditioning services.

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